Freelancer marketer

Strategic marketing leader with corporate and Australian business leadership experience for hire.

Benefit from engaging a senior marketing leader with a proven track record, extensive experience, and the ability to guide your marketing efforts and capitalise on growth opportunities. 

Freelancer marketer for hire. Based in Adelaide, covering Australian small businesses as needed in office, online, or travel as required.

Marketing Freelancer Mikael Svensson

Building a stronger foundation for growth.

” I help businesses with short-term marketing leadership, guidance, and hands-on management of their marketing efforts. “

Marketing consultant Adelaide Mikael Svensson

Who I help

There are times when it’s very valuable to have access to a marketing freelancer. As a marketing freelancer I bring senior marketing leadership experience with roles in diverse industries, from corporate to Australian international business and SA Government agency.
For small businesses and organisations opting for a marketing freelancer or retained services over a full-time marketer, I offer cost effective marketing services to support your business.

Let’s start with a chat.

Freelancer marketer

Hire your own cost-effective freelancer marketer

Hello, I’m Mikael Svensson, a senior strategic marketing leader with extensive marketing leadership positions across different industries, from large corporate company to Australian international business and SA Government agency.

Passionate about supporting small businesses and organisations in Australia, I understand that every company goes through different phases, and there are times when having access to experienced senior-level marketing guidance can be immensely valuable.

Instead of hiring a full-time marketer, opting for a fractional marketing leader, or retained marketing services is a cost-effective way to guide your marketing efforts.

I will ensure a seamless delivery of your current marketing plan or if you prefer, help to develop a new strategic marketing approach that aligns with your business goals.

Contact me today to see how I can help.  

Ready to work together?

Freelancer marketer

Service options: fractional vs. retained marketing services

All businesses have unique needs when it comes to marketing leadership. That’s why I offer flexible marketing options for fractional marketing services and retained marketing services.

Fractional marketing services

  • Benefit from flexible part-time support, allowing you to access senior-level marketing expertise and strategic guidance without needing a full-time commitment.
  • Ideal for businesses seeking cost-effective solutions and a customised approach to address specific marketing challenges or projects.

Retained marketing services

  • Choose between hourly work, monthly retainer options, or project-based work, all without any lock-in contracts, offering you flexibility in engagement.
  • Enjoy the consistent presence and ongoing support of a dedicated marketing leader who becomes an integral part of your team, providing continuous leadership, guidance, and expertise.

Freelancer marketer

Marketing services offered as a freelancer marketer

Ensure ongoing access to expertise and guidance, allowing for consistent support and strategic direction throughout your marketing initiatives.


Marketing assessment

Gain comprehensive insights into your current marketing approach, identify gaps and areas for improvement, and optimise your marketing efforts for better results.

Marketing strategy development

Create a tailored marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals, enabling you to target the right audience, differentiate your brand, and maximise your market impact.

Marketing planning

Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines clear objectives, actionable tactics, and measurable results, providing a roadmap for successful execution.

Marketing management

You can choose to focus on your core business activities while we handle the day-to-day management of your marketing initiatives. Making sure your campaigns and plans are delivered. 

Marketing training

Equip your organisation or marketing team with the knowledge and skills they need to excel, enhancing their performance, fostering creativity, and driving overall marketing excellence.

Schedule a free exploratory call to see how we can work together to build sustainable business growth.

Freelancer marketer

Bringing marketing solutions to your business

How I can help

Many small businesses are stuck in a slow or stagnant growth cycle, unable to break through to the next level. Others need a more strategic marketing direction, while others work in scattered, ineffective marketing ways.

I can bring solutions that combine expert guidance and strategic insights to drive your business forward.

Marketing freelancer solutions

  • Expert guidance: As a senior marketing leader, I work closely with you to develop a tailored marketing strategy aligned with your business objectives.
  • Strategic approach: I will provide a clear roadmap and actionable steps to differentiate your brand, target the right audience, and optimise your marketing efforts for maximum impact.
  • Efficient resource allocation: I will help you review your marketing expenses and ensure your marketing resources are allocated most effectively.


Key benefits of hiring a freelancer marketer

Access to 25 years of corporate marketing expertise

Tap into the knowledge and experience gained from large corporate company to Australian international business and SA Government agency to elevate your small business, benefiting from strategic insights and industry best practices.

Cost-effective solution without full-time commitments

Enjoy the expertise of a fractional marketing director at a fraction of the cost compared to hiring a full-time marketing leader, allowing you to allocate your resources efficiently and focus on growing your business.

Tailored strategic guidance and execution

Receive personalised guidance and support in developing a customised marketing strategy aligned with your business goals, enabling you to effectively reach your target audience, differentiate your brand, and drive measurable results.

Holistic marketing management  

Benefit from comprehensive marketing management services, ensuring seamless execution of your marketing initiatives, and continuous monitoring of performance and optimisation. 

Hire a freelancer marketeer to drive business growth through strategic marketing

High-value marketing growth strategies

For many large enterprises, growth comes from their ability to manage their critical strategic marketing value drivers. As a freelancer marketer, I can help your business evaluate your current approach for any of these marketing value drivers and together build the direction for long-term sustainable growth.

Building strong brands.

By developing a compelling brand identity and positioning strategy, I can help create a solid foundation for long-term success. A strong brand resonates with your target audience, builds trust, and differentiates you from competitors.


Customer management.

Effective customer management is essential for nurturing lasting relationships and maximising customer lifetime value. I assist in implementing customer-centric strategies, enhancing customer experiences, and fostering customer loyalty.

Channel of distribution.

Your channels are where your revenue comes from. Leveraging your distribution channels is crucial for reaching your target market efficiently. I will help you identify how to optimise your channel engagement for your products and services.

Insight-driven Innovation.

By deeply understanding your target segments, I will assist in uncovering valuable insights to drive innovation. I can help your organisation develop customer-centric products, services, and marketing campaigns that address specific needs and create a competitive advantage.

What is your small business marketing challenge?

Identify your marketing challenges is a first good step when deciding what to do next.
Do you see any of these challenges to your business?

No comprehensive marketing plan.

Marketing lacks a long-term strategy.

The Marketing team is stretched.

Marketing is not customer focused.

Marketing can’t prove a return on investment.

The Marketing team needs to be trained.

Marketing needs to demonstrate value to stakeholders.

What’s your small business marketing opportunity?

There is always an opportunity to grow your small business. Sometimes opportunities present it selves naturally as the company continues its growth journey. From time-to-time external events push a business’ boundaries to think and act differently, or ever so often, a company must actively seek out the opportunity and create it. 

Have you decided on your small business marketing opportunity?

Is it to increase customer retention?

Is it to grow your customer base?

Is it to win in new segments?

Is it to launch new products?

Ready to work together?


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What is a freelancer marketer?

A freelancer marketer is a professional who offers marketing services on a contract basis. They work independently and provide expertise in various marketing areas, helping businesses achieve their marketing goals.

How can a freelancer marketer benefit my small business?

Hiring a freelancer marketer offers several benefits for small businesses. It provides access to an experienced marketing professional without the cost of a full-time employee, allows for flexible arrangements, and brings fresh perspectives and specialised skills to enhance your marketing efforts.

What is the difference between a freelancer marketer and a full-time marketer?

The main difference is the employment arrangement. A freelancer marketer works on a project or contract basis, offering their services to multiple clients, whereas a full-time marketer is an employee dedicated exclusively to one company.

What is the difference between fractional marketing services and retained marketing services, and how do I determine which option is best for my business when hiring a freelancer marketer?

The main difference between fractional marketing services and retained marketing services lies in the level of commitment and duration. Fractional marketing services allow businesses to hire a marketing freelancer for part-time support on specific projects or challenges. On the other hand, retained marketing services offer ongoing, dedicated support from a marketing freelancer who becomes an integral part of the business. To determine the best option for your business, consider your long-term marketing needs, budget, and the level of support required for your specific goals and initiatives.

How is hiring a freelancer marketer the right choice for my business?

Hiring a freelancer marketer is ideal if you need specialised marketing expertise for specific projects, want to save costs by avoiding long-term commitments, or seek flexible arrangements that can scale with your business needs.

What services does a freelancer marketer typically offer?

Freelancer marketers offer various services, including marketing strategy development, campaign management, content creation, SEO guidance, market research advice and management, and more. Their services can be tailored to your specific business needs.

Can a freelancer marketer help with developing a marketing strategy?

Absolutely! Freelancer marketers typically have extensive experience in marketing strategy development. They can assess your business goals, target audience, and competitive landscape to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with your objectives.

How much does it cost to hire a freelancer marketer?

Freelancer marketer rates vary based on factors such as experience, scope of work, and project complexity. Generally, their rates are more cost-effective than hiring a full-time marketer, as you only pay for the specific services and hours needed for your projects. Ask for a quote so you feel comfortable that it fits into your budget.

What is the process for working with a freelancer marketer?

The process typically involves:

  • Discussing your marketing needs.
  • Outlining project details.
  • Setting objectives.
  • Agreeing on timelines and deliverables.
  • Establishing clear communication channels.

The freelancer marketer will then start to execute the project, providing regular updates and seeking feedback along the way.

Can a freelancer marketer work remotely or on-site?

Most marketing freelancers can work remotely, providing their services online, or they can work on-site if necessary and feasible. The arrangement can be tailored based on your preferences and the nature of the project.

Are there any limitations or restrictions when hiring a freelancer marketer?

Limitations can vary based on the individual freelancer marketer and the scope of work. It’s essential to communicate expectations, project requirements, and any specific limitations or restrictions upfront to ensure a smooth working relationship and successful project execution.

What is the difference between fractional marketing services and retained marketing services, and how do I determine which option is best for my business when hiring a freelancer marketer?

The main difference between fractional marketing services and retained marketing services lies in the level of commitment and duration. Fractional marketing services allow businesses to hire a marketing freelancer for part-time support on specific projects or challenges.

On the other hand, retained marketing services offer ongoing, dedicated support from a marketing freelancer who becomes an integral part of the business. To determine the best option for your business, consider your long-term marketing needs, budget, and the level of support required for your specific goals and initiatives.

What are the benefits of fractional marketing services?

Fractional marketing services offer flexible part-time support, allowing businesses to access senior-level marketing expertise and strategic guidance without needing a full-time commitment. It provides a cost-effective solution and a customised approach to address specific marketing challenges or projects.

How can fractional marketing services help businesses with specific marketing challenges or projects?

Fractional marketing services are ideal for businesses facing specific marketing challenges or projects. Companies can leverage specialised skills and experience to develop effective strategies, optimise marketing efforts, and achieve their objectives by tapping into senior-level marketing expertise part-time.

What is the advantage of accessing senior-level marketing expertise on a part-time basis?

Accessing senior-level marketing expertise part-time allows businesses to benefit from the knowledge and experience of seasoned professionals without the cost of a full-time hire. This flexible arrangement provides guidance, insights, and strategic direction to drive marketing initiatives while optimising costs.

What types of businesses are best suited for retained marketing services?

Retained marketing services are well-suited for businesses seeking long-term marketing support. With retained services, businesses can enjoy the consistent presence and ongoing support of a dedicated marketing leader who becomes an integral part of their team. This option is ideal for strategic planning, team management, and continuous marketing optimisation.

How does having a dedicated marketing leader through retained marketing services contribute to long-term marketing success and continuous optimisation?

Having a dedicated marketing leader through retained marketing services ensures consistent leadership, guidance, and support for the business’s marketing efforts. The marketing leader becomes intimately familiar with the company, its goals, and its industry, allowing for more effective strategic planning, team coordination, and continuous optimisation of marketing initiative