Small business marketing consultant

Helping small businesses to grow with strategic marketing and practical marketing advise.

Are you a small business owner looking for a better marketing strategy, in need of a marketing plan, or interested in collaborating with a consultant to help grow your business?

Discover personalised marketing services created for small business success.  

Small business marketing consultant. Based in Adelaide, working onsite, online, or travel as required.

Building a stronger foundation for growth.

” I guide small business owners and marketing stakeholders on how to transition from tactical to strategic marketing for long-term growth. “

Marketing consultant Adelaide Mikael Svensson

small business marketing consultant Mikael Svensson

Who I help

As a small business marketing consultant, I specialise in creating a stronger foundation for long-term growth. I collaborate with small business owners and marketing stakeholders, guiding their transition from day-to-day operational tactical thinking to a strategy-led marketing approach.

With extensive corporate strategic marketing experience, you’ll benefit from a comprehensive strategic approach in a practical, affordable small business format.

Let’s start with a chat.

Small business marketing consultant

What we offer

Small business marketing strategy and plans

Working closely with small businesses using a structured marketing framework to create tailor-made marketing plans aligned to your business growth goals. Access comprehensive strategic marketing planning support and direction to help build your marketing roadmap for long-term business success.


  • Creating a marketing strategy-led approach
  • Building a marketing roadmap
  • Ensures marketing contributes to the growth
small business marketing contultant Adelaide

Small business website design

Creating affordable, high-quality, SEO-optimised, user-friendly websites so your business can grow online. Working in partnership with Website Adelaide, a leading small business website company providing high-performing business and eCommerce website design with over 500 small business websites built for SA companies.


  • Enhanced online growth
  • Affordable quality websites
  • On-page SEO is top of mind
small business marketing adelaide

Small business marketing assessment

Conducting a marketing assessment for your business is the best way to initiate a transformative marketing process. It provides a comprehensive starting point and the opportunity to reassess your current marketing work. This approach removes the guesswork, as there is rarely only one singular opportunity to change.


  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Uncovering gaps and opportunities
  • Creating a new point of departure
small business marketing contultant Adelaide

Small business website SEO audits

A comprehensive website SEO audit is critical for any small business as their websites represent their brand and their business and generates traffic from new potential clients. Given the importance of achieving visibility on Google search results, organic ranking, and overall search engine optimisation (SEO), it becomes imperative for small businesses to make a health check on their website performance.


  • Enhanced online visibility
  • Optimised brand representation
  • Improved traffic conversion
small business marketing contultant Adelaide

Small business marketing consultant services

Many small businesses are looking for guidance reviewing current marketing strategies and, after evaluation, want support with direction forward. This is part of my core expertise as a small business marketing consultant, and here is how I would approach this.

Marketing for small business

A step-by-step marketing approach


Review your small business marketing approach

Helping you take stock of your current marketing efforts, identify shortcomings, and provide recommendations for improvement.


Develop your small business strategic marketing plan

Helping you create and apply a comprehensive strategic marketing blueprint to develop your marketing plan. 


Implement your strategic marketing plan

Helping you with the implementation of your strategic marketing plan. Fractional hands-on strategic marketing hours, interim or contract options.

Small business marketing consultant

Take the opportunity to apply corporate marketing processes for your small business marketing

Big enterprises and corporations are usually great at strategic marketing because they have the resources. But their marketing challenges are not that different compared to a small business; it is just that theirs appear at a much larger scale, are more complex, and usually have a robust marketing and business process to tackle it.

The essence though, regardless of whether it’s an enterprise or a small business, marketing value creation is about taking a holistic view of the brand, customers, channels, innovations, marketing system, and processes.

This is something a small business can do as well. A small business needs to make the shift from tactical to strategic. And when it does, the marketing tactics are likely to be different when marketing strategies are in place.

Small business marketing consultant in Adelaide

The definition of a small business varies if you search online; it’s somewhere between $1m-$25m in revenue and less than 100 employees. But even if you are a sole trader or a micro company, you would say you are a small business.

So, marketing will be essential for growth, whether you are a small business owner with a few employees or have built up a small in-house marketing function.

What small business have in common is usually the focus on tactical marketing. That means managing a website, posting on social media, developing content, running AdWords & producing print material. But there will be a time when the company want to step change. To accelerate revenue growth. This would be the time to start thinking about how to create long-term strategic marketing value for the company, and shift from only tactical deliverables.

Marketing ideas for small businesses

Top 10 marketing ideas for small businesses

When it comes to marketing, small businesses often resort to social media and Google AdWords as their first point of call. But for many small businesses, that is not a growth strategy instead deployed marketing tactics. Especially for small businesses that are growing in size and want to take their next step, it is time to apply a more robust approach to marketing, shifting to a strategy-led marketing approach.  


 Your market

Investing time to understand if your market or sector is growing can help you decide if you need to update your current strategy. Looking at trends, published data, and your sales numbers will help to evaluate if the market opportunity is as big as you thought it was.


Your product and services

Have you considered whether your products and services are unique and differentiated enough to set you apart from competitors? If not, doing a competitor analysis and seeing how you compare is always a good idea. With some changes or add-ons to your core offerings, you may be able to attract new customers or sell more to your loyal customers.     


Your pricing

Have you thought about if your pricing is cost-based or customer-value-based? This is important as a sound pricing strategy may help you to enhance growth. If a small business aligns its pricing with customer values, the offerings may be perceived as more valuable than what you currently charge.  


Your customer insights

When was the last time you asked your customers what they think? Gaining insights into your customers’ preferences, behaviours, and needs will enable you to tailor your marketing effectively and create personalised experiences that matter for your customers. This does not need to be cumbersome or take time. Just ask them what they think. Businesses are usually surprised by what customers come back with.


Your market segmentation

Have you ever thought about the importance of conducting a market segmentation? It’s not explicit for large companies; it’s also very beneficial for small businesses to understand their customer targeting better. B2B companies typically identify ideal clients and explore related sectors for new opportunities, while developing customer personas aid direct-to-consumer companies in expanding their reach. Leveraging segmentation will help refine current marketing strategies, tapping into new customer opportunities. Visualising, analysing, and summarising data aids in the thinking process, enabling small businesses to generate valuable insights and make informed marketing decisions.


Your target Market

Do you have a clear understanding of your target market? If not, understanding your target market is critical. As a starting point, it’s a good idea to write down what your ideal customer profile looks like and compare it to what your actual sales data, customer data or other data are telling you. It usually gives you an “aha” moment to understand your target market better. Market research is critical, and for small businesses with limited resources, customer surveys, competitor analysis and customer feedback will help you to determine your target market so you can direct your marketing resources wisely.


Your competitive Advantage

Have you considered whether your value proposition or so-called core differentiator, sets you apart from your competitors? If not, this is an opportunity to consider if you highlight your unique strengths and advantages in the best possible way to be the preferred choice for prospective customers and ensure your loyal customers stay with you.


Your brand

One of the main challenges for small businesses is how to increase brand awareness with limited resources. A well-known brand creates trust, credibility, and recognition among customers. Have you thought about if your brand identity, your visual impression, and content create that so crucial emotional connection with your customers?


Your communication

What about your brand communication? Is it great, or can it be enhanced to better appeal to existing and prospective customers, both print and online? Effective communication with customers is critical to building strong relationships and brand loyalty. Have a thought about your brand story. And you have appealing messages with easy-to-understand benefits. If not, this is the time to update your communications material.


Your channels

Most small businesses only think about channels in terms of marketing channels such as social media and their website. Efficient channel management should be about how your products or services reach the right customers through the most effective distribution channels. Think of your channel strategy. Can you improve your existing channels and add more distribution channels to grow your business?

Marketing for small business tips

What is your small business marketing challenge?

Identify your marketing challenges is a first good step when deciding what to do next.
Do you see any of these challenges to your business?

No comprehensive marketing plan.

Marketing lacks a long-term strategy.

The Marketing team is stretched.

Marketing is not customer focused.

Marketing can’t prove a return on investment.

The Marketing team needs to be trained.

Marketing needs to demonstrate value to stakeholders.

What’s your small business marketing opportunity?

There is always an opportunity to grow your small business. Sometimes opportunities present it selves naturally as the company continues its growth journey. From time-to-time external events push a business’ boundaries to think and act differently, or ever so often, a company must actively seek out the opportunity and create it. 

Have you decided on your small business marketing opportunity?

Is it to increase customer retention?

Is it to grow your customer base?

Is it to win in new segments?

Is it to launch new products?

Ready to work together?


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How can a small business marketing consultant help my business grow?

A small business marketing consultant typically provides expert guidance and strategies to help your business attract new customers, build a strong brand, use effective distribution channels, and launch new products and services.

Will a marketing consultant help me target the right customers for my business?

A small business should expect a marketing consultant to provide a range of services, including helping analyse your target market, advise on appropriate market research, and develop customer profiles (personas) to help you identify and target the right customers for your business.

Can a marketing consultant assist in developing an effective digital marketing strategy for a small business?

A small business should expect a marketing consultant to strategically understand the importance of digital marketing and how to approach digital marketing to grow the business. It’s a fair requirement that a marketing consultant should have real-life experience in managing digital marketing campaigns, overseeing website development, content writing, search engine optimisation (SEO) management, and managing AdWords campaigns to be able to provide strategic advice and recommendations.

What results can I expect from working with a small business marketing consultant?

Working with a marketing consultant can yield different results, and it really depends on what objectives have been set for the work required. It may be everything from specific revenue targets to outlining a brand strategy, enhancing the customer experience, helping to launch new products or services, or organically increasing the website traffic to reduce the acquisition cost for leads.

Can a small marketing business consultant help me generate more leads and increase sales?

A marketing consultant should be able to advise you on lead-generating strategies, building sales and marketing funnels, improving conversion rates, and providing insights to attract and convert more leads into customers, ultimately increasing sales.

What is the cost of hiring a small business marketing consultant?

The cost of hiring a small business marketing consultant can vary depending on factors such as the scope of work, experience level, and location. Discussing specific requirements and obtaining tailored pricing estimates from consultants during the initial consultation is a good starting point.

How do I get started with a small business marketing consultant?

To get started, you can search for small business marketing consultants online and schedule an initial consultation. It’s essential to ask for their experience and skills so you feel confident that they have substantial real-life working experience applying strategic marketing for larger brands and companies. Discussing your business goals upfront and selecting a consultant that aligns with your needs and budget is also a good idea. 

What does a small business marketing consultant do?

A small business marketing consultant typically provides expert advice and guidance on marketing strategies, market research, brand development, channel management, digital marketing, advertising campaigns, and other areas to help small businesses achieve their marketing goals.

What should I expect from a small business marketing consultant?

Small marketing business consultants usually provide a range of different services. It’s fair to expect a small business marketing consultant to help you assess your current marketing efforts, develop customised strategies, provide actionable recommendations and development of a marketing plan, and provide ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve marketing success.

Small business marketing consultant

Marketing value Creation is a small business marketing consultant based in Adelaide that helps small to medium businesses to shift from tactical conversations to adopting a strategic marketing planning process.

If you are a business owner looking for strategic business marketing advice, please don’t hesitate to contact Marketing Value Creation.

small business marketing contultant Adelaide